18 Summers

by | Jul 30, 2024 | Blog

As I sit here writing this, I am staring out of a window, covered in spots of rain, looking out into a grey Glasgow sky. It feels almost wrong to be writing about summers at this point in time. This blog is not intended to make you ponder the question of how many days of summer we are actually going to get in 2024 or to ask the bleaker question of whether sunshine is a thing of the past for Scotland. Instead, we want you to consider the idea of “18 Summers”.

The idea is that from the moment your children are born, you only have 18 summers until your kids become adults. This provides a parent with only 18 summers to create memories, instil values, and nurture a foundation of love and support before they inevitably grow up and begin their own journeys. With the current cost of living crisis, I would be happy to stick my neck on the line and suggest the offer of a paid holiday abroad, even beyond the age of 18, is more than likely to be accepted but that is beyond the point.

It has been calculated that by the time a child leaves school, they will already have spent 93% of their ‘in-person’ time that they will ever spend with their parents, so don’t waste it! For those of you with grand-children, the numbers are even more bleak.

Beyond this, it is not just children who should be considered. Those of you lucky enough to still have your own parents around will be all too aware that there are a limited number of summers to spend together and bleaker still, we all have a finite number of summers left. Sadly, the clock is ticking.

So what should we do about it? The world has become ever more conducive to things. Material possessions such as cars, phones, and the latest gadgets are all marketed towards the idea that these things will bring us happiness and fill a void in our lives.

On the contrary, research shows us that the key to genuine and lasting joy is sharing experiences with those you love. Looking back to your childhood, you will no doubt remember the experiences you shared rather than any material items you may have collected along the way. It was Robert Brault who said, “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realise they were the big things”.

Why are we sharing this and what does it have to do with Financial Planning?

Well, because frankly, this is all at the heart of what we do. As financial planners, our role is to understand you and your family. What gets you out of bed in the morning? Only once we understand this, can we begin to build plans that will provide you with value moving forward.

One of the best things in our job is hearing about what makes our clients tick. The best thing is giving them the confidence to go and do more of whatever that might be.

As we go through a journey with our clients, we try and encourage them to make conscious choices to fill their lives with memories, whether that be exploring new places, spending time with the family or simply enjoying a nice meal together. After all, it is these experiences that will live long in the memory of those around you.

So, are you making the most of your summers? As we near the end of July and another passes us by, can you be confident that you will look back on the summer of 2024 and have moments to cherish? Have you reflected on how many summers you may have left? Whether that be with your children, your parents, or even personally.

Hopefully, the concept of 18 summers will serve as a reminder of the fleeting nature of relationships and the limited time we have to enjoy them. So, embrace experiences, make memories, and don’t go wasting your summers.

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Email: admin@begleybrown.co.uk

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