Don’t Keep Us a Secret

by | May 29, 2024 | Blog

Being from the west coast of Scotland, this blog feels almost unnatural to write. We tend to downplay a lot of what we do here to not appear to come across as being big-headed but as we approach the end of our 17th year in business, we have been reflecting on our journey.

As with any plan we build for our clients, there will always be ups and downs but through the process of planning and re-planning, we have arrived at a great place. We continue to do great work for our wonderful clients and by being selective with the clients we work with, we feel we can offer a service that is extremely personable and valuable. We work closely with our clients to help them make the most of their wealth throughout their lives, living life to the full and without worrying unnecessarily about money.

But don’t just take our word for it. There are two professional bodies in our industry, the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) and the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments (CISI). Both of these bodies award status’ to firms based on the people within them and the work they do for their clients. We are honoured to not only hold Chartered Firm Status from the CII but also Accredited Status from the CISI. This is something we don’t tend to shout about too often but is a significant achievement.

We are extremely proud to be one of only five firms in Scotland that hold both of these accreditations*. At the heart of this success is our people.

We have built a highly qualified and experienced team of individuals who all strive to be the best and provide our clients with the best possible service.

Chris and Mark’s principal roles are to see clients but this is only done successfully with the wonderful work that Lorraine and Karen do behind the scenes. There is a huge amount of effort that goes into the preparation of our meetings as well as ensuring that everything is actioned following a meeting and this would not be possible without Karen and Lorraine and the experience they both bring. Ciaran runs the operational side of the business in the background and Alastair continues to Chair our Investment Committee.

Whilst technology and online solutions are becoming more prominent in our industry, we firmly believe that there is no substitute for face-to-face advice delivered with compassion and care and we firmly believe this will lead to a better client outcome and experience.

Of course, all of this would be academic without the support of our incredible clients and our business has grown almost entirely from client referrals over the years. With this in mind if you know of someone who you think might benefit from speaking to us, please put them in touch or forward this to them. We love speaking to people and hearing their own stories and we would love to help more people on their own journeys.


According to Chartered Firm Search ( & Accredited Financial Planning Firms ( at time of writing

7 Royal Crescent, Glasgow, G3 7SL
Telephone: 0141 331 2221

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Registered in Scotland. Company Registration Number: 326258
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Financial Services Register Number 471152

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